Radhakrishnan Commission( 1948 – 49)

Recommendations of the Radhakrishnan Commission
- Indianisation of education.
- Starting rural universities, on the pattern of Jamia Milia Islamia, which was established in Okhla village Delhi.
- Twelve years of pre-university educational course.
- Emphasis was to be on subjects like agriculture, commerce, education, engineering, technology, medicine and law which would develop the country’s intellectual resources by leaps and bounds.
- A university degree should not be considered as essential for the administrative services.
- The working days at the university should not be less than 180 days in an year, exclusive of examination days.
- Tutorials and seminars should be made a part of university activities to improve the standard of examination
- University education should be placed on the concurrent list and a uniform system of examination should be implemented.
- The salaries of teachers should be raised.
A University Grants Commission should be set up to regulate and finance the universities
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